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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Common questions for game developer and engineers when using Myria Leaderboard Typescript SDK.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the purpose of the @myria/leaderboard-ts-sdk?

The @myria/leaderboard-ts-sdk is designed to help game developers easily create, manage, and interact with leaderboards in their games using TypeScript. It provides a seamless integration with Myria's backend, allowing you to track player rankings and scores.

2. How do I obtain a Developer API key?

To get a Developer API key, you need to contact Myria admin through the whitelist process here. Once approved, you will be granted a key that is essential for accessing and managing leaderboards through the SDK.

3. What should I do if I lose my Developer API key?

If you lose your Developer API key, you will need to contact Myria admin to request a new one. It's important to keep your key secure to prevent unauthorized access.

4. Is the SDK compatible with other backend frameworks besides Node.js?

While the SDK is optimized for Node.js, it may also work with other JavaScript-based backends which is built with built with a JavaScript-based runtime. However, full compatibility is guaranteed only for Node.js and Javascript-based environments.

5. Can I invalidate or regenerate my API key?

For the MVP version, API key management is handled manually, and you will need to contact Myria admin for such requests. In future updates, we plan to introduce features that allow developers to invalidate or regenerate their API keys directly.

6. How do I create and manage multiple leaderboards?

You can create and manage multiple leaderboards by calling the appropriate methods provided by the SDK. Detailed documentation on these methods can be found in the Create Leaderboard section of this guide.

7. What types of leaderboards can I create?

The SDK supports various types of leaderboards, including time-based, score-based, and rank-based leaderboards. You can customize the leaderboard according to your game's needs by configuring the options provided in the SDK.

8. Is there a limit to the number of players or scores the leaderboard can handle?

The SDK is designed to handle a large number of players and scores, making it scalable for games of all sizes. However, if you have specific scalability concerns, it’s best to discuss them with Myria admin.

9. How can I ensure the security of my leaderboard data?

Security is a top priority with the SDK. Ensure that your Developer API key is stored securely and follow best practices for secure coding and API management to protect your leaderboard data.

10. Where can I find additional support or documentation?

For additional support, you can visit the official documentation or reach out to Myria admin via Telegram or Zendesk for further assistance.

11. What happens when I delete a leaderboard?

Once you delete a leaderboard using the @myria/leaderboard-ts-sdk, the deletion is permanent. This means:

  • The leaderboard cannot be rolled back.
  • All associated data, including scores and player rankings, will be permanently erased.
  • Ensure that you have made all necessary backups or exports before proceeding with deletion.

It is recommended to double-check and confirm that you want to delete a leaderboard, as this action is irreversible and all data will be lost.